Had an odd one Sunday evening. I was recording BBC HD and BBC1 at 9pm on Sunday, and decided to start playing the BBC HD recording before it finished. I've done this before without problems, but after 19 minutes the box goes and reboots itself. Took about two minutes to reset, then the two recordings recommenced. I was able to watch the remaining forty minutes or so of my HD recording, no problem. Annoyingly though I've lost two minutes of The Last Enemy which I'll have to find in Catch Up TV.
Most odd. And only a few hours earlier I'd remarked how we hadn't had to reboot the box in 2008. It does suggest though that HD playback/recording on the V+ is not as reliable as perhaps it should be, and that when (if?) we do get more HD channels on VM we'll suffer the same stability problems Sky HD owners report with multiple channel handling.
I have similar experiences. Even watching a HD programme whilst the V+ Box is recording other channels. Most annoying.
ReplyDeleteSky HD apparently does it when handling two HD channels too. We should be so lucky...
ReplyDeletethe buffer on the V+ box is for 1 and half hours only, HD takes up mucho space so will cause the buffer to overrun and reboot the box
ReplyDeleteHence it falling over after around 21 mins. Logical I guess. Let's hope the new V+ box (announced internally to VM staff by Berkett today) has a little more capacity. I'll post more news on this as I get it.