As predicted a few posts ago, the BBC HD On Demand programmes have now gone. No more Blue Planet (upscaled), Superstorm or Planet Earth - just a lone episode of Hotel Babylon remains.
[UPDATE: It's only temporary I've been told - see Comments]
BBC iPlayer though is now fully integrated into the Catch Up menus (look under Channels) and there's an impressive selection of BBC stuff available there, albeit none yet in HD.
BBC HD varies from the norm this weekend btw, with a film tonight and the Florence Nightingale drama tomorrow. And I know I keep going on about it, but Wild China on Monday night really is what HD was invented for!
Shame Blue Planet has gone, hope it returns. Just a whinge but perhaps for euro 2008 coverage BBC HD has been really cutting back this next week; a not so impressive 6hrs 45 today, 4hrs30 for tomorrow (very low for a sunday), 3hrs 45, 3hrs 30, 3hrs 50, 4hrs 15, 4hrs, 7hrs30, 6hrs 50 etc.
ReplyDeleteSome of the BBC content is being temporarily removed for maintenance. It will be back in a few days.
ReplyDeleteI have posted an update to this issue with a list of all content missing at the moment guys...
I agree Wild China is the HD highlight of the month. I wish I'd known Kiss of Death was being shown on HD - I already watched the SD version they aired 5 days ago (dear BBC: please DOG an "also available in HD" at the start of progs like this on BBC SD)