First off, thanks to all for continuing to visit this blog on a regular basis. It's still meeting a need I guess as traffic is pretty constant, even if the news on HD from Virgin is fairly light at the moment.
The response from our community to the questionnaire was, I think, pretty awesome. Unfortunately, the response from Virgin was predictably vacuous. I've recently sent an updated petition list to Virgin's Chief Executive of Content, Malcolm Wall - to date, no response. Obviously they're not going to make snap strategic decisions based on an internet petition, but they ignore their customer base at their peril - "negligence" is a word that springs to mind.
So what's going to be on the blog over the rest of the summer? Well, I should have details of BBC HD's opening Olympics coverage next week, along with some info on the [Spooks] spin off Code 9 and the new Andrew Marr series.
Over on Filmflex they've been slowly but surely adding HD content, now spilling over to a fifth page of listings. What's more, they now include the big releases as well as some lesser known titles. As the list only changes a little each week, I'll be dropping the regular panel listing the films and featuring them as a regular post instead. Do folk find the IMDB links useful? Let me know, otherwise I'll drop them. Similarly the RSS feeds from other sites - I've fiddled around with these and I'm not sure if folk find them interesting - please comment if you like 'em.
A real disappointment for us all is HD TV Choice On Demand. Six months ago we had in high def all three seasons of Lost, first seasons of Criminal Minds and Ghost Whisperer and 90% of the excellent Day Break. Today, we have just the second season of Sopranos (available for just two weeks!) and a handful of documentaries. The BBC HD On Demand has remained constant all year. Pathetic.
As is the continued absence of C4HD (ITV HD being something not even worth mentioning). Where are the promised On Demand HD versions of the little genuine HD content C4 has? Not even Hollyoaks in HD or the US imports.
So things have not improved - in fact, they're worse than ever. And I guess this blog will continue for some time yet - it was born from a frustration with the lack of information from Virgin on their HD services, and that's still very much the case today. Let me know what you think.
I like the principal of the extra film info but is there a uk biased version available?
ReplyDeleteI hope you and virgin1 keep your blogs going cos it brings alot of information/enjoyable read to our lives and is really the only factual unbiased(certain DS,forums,etc)place to find out whats happening with our service provider.I'm sure i saw a recent DS story where it quotes extracts identical to these blogs but would never admit the true source.
Keep up the work! I'm a fan.