October 05, 2008

On Demand update

Filmflex's Penny Movies return this month with PS I Love You yours in HD for a solitary bronze coin of the realm. (From Friday 10th it's National Treasure 2 in high def for a penny, btw.)
New movies this week in Filmflex's HD offering are Awake, Drillbit Taylor and Never Back Down.
HBO's excellent Big Love debuts in the free HD section this week. This was shown on Five a few years back and won't be to everyone's tastes, but if you like Six Feet Under or the odder aspects of Desperate Housewives, this may rock your boat. Hopefully season two, unshown in the UK, will follow.
The final season of The Sopranos is appearing in HD now, and worth tolerating in SD is the debut season of The Best Cop Show On TV EVER - The Wire. All 13 episodes available for nowt to VIP customers.
Finally, someone's emailed me and pointed out that there are 8 adult movies on Virgin now available in HD. Go to "More On Demand", "Adult" and there's a whole HD category there. HD soft porn...hmmm...


  1. Rambo is also a penny-movie this week, but it doesn't seem to be in HD. The leaflet I got in the post about penny movies lists the dozen or so films showing, but there's not a hint of a mention of HD.

  2. Details of the penny movies can be found here http://moviesondemand.virginmedia.com/movies/groups/highdefinition/
    No Rambo - but I wouldn't see that as a bad thing myself ;o)

  3. Just like to say that aoyone who has not watched The Wire is missing the best TV show ever. Not really a 'cop show' but more like a novel translated to screen. It is a slow mover but is superb. they did have it in HD for a while last year. hopefully seasons 2/3/4/5 will follow soon.


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