January 25, 2009

Robert Burns: The People's Poet

Not satisfied with the the excellent History of Scotland in HD? Well, there's a 90 minute special on Robert Burns (250th anniversary of his birth, don't you know) on BBC HD Sunday afternoon at 4.30.


  1. With the state of Virgin's HD content like it is, I would spend an additional tenner a month for the movies / sports. If they don't get those channels in HD by May 09 I'm gone.

  2. virgin media is the microsoft of tv providers!

  3. Not sure I understand that one...

  4. I get it! Basically saying that virgin are crap!

  5. Ah, but Microsoft isn't crap - it has a near monopoly in its core markets and can charge what it likes for its products. If anything, Sky is the Microsoft of TV providers - overpriced, arrogant, stealing innovation (Tivo, anyone?).
    Virgin is more your Next Computer - an eighties operating system from Steve Jobs that had great technical potential but didn't catch on as it lacked the technological innovation that everyone wanted - colour :o)


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