February 04, 2009

Non-HD On Demand

VM is still erroneously adding non-HD content into the High Definition listings - now a season of Voyager that appeared.
For the record the only Star Trek franchise shot in HD were the last series and a half of Enterprise - check this link for details
And, no, I'm not a Trekkie...


  1. Perhaps they're padding out their meagre HD VoD content with SD stuff on purpose in the hope that us customers don't notice the difference!

    Nah, on second thoughts it's just incompetence...

  2. Every Star Trek series was shot on film and so they could probably do HD Voyager if they updated the CGI (and if they really wanted to). There was already a rerelease of The Original Series (the one from the 60s!) remastered in HD with modern CGI effects added, link.

    But... I don't think they've done that for Voyager and the VOD version obviously is SD. Even the only two episodes I have in the list that have HD in the title for some reason aren't in HD.

  3. Back in the Telewest days when we had ITVHD during it's 6 month trial, they showed the remastered series of Space 1999 in HD. Again, shot on film it looked stunning - even if the acting was a tad suspect ;-)


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