March 01, 2009

Nialli's series links

Somebody asked, so here's what I have series links on the V+ for at the moment:
  • Being Human
  • Lost
  • Desperate Housewives
  • Nature's Great Events
  • Heroes
  • My Name Is Earl
  • Damages
  • Mad Men
  • QI
  • Spooks
  • Battlestar Galactica
(bold indicates titles in HD on VM). Of course, if I had Sky HD everything would be available in HD except QI and the old repeats of Spooks from Watch.


  1. I just thought I'd share my experience of cancelling my VM services this weekend. I did have a chuckle.

    Firstly, I told them I was leaving because VM's HD offering didn't meet my expectations. - "Virgin has More HD Channels COMING SOON"
    He wouldn't tell me what or when. But confirmed that it wouldn't be 34 new HD Channels so we moved on.

    Secondly, he told me that SKY HD isn't actually even HD at all. So I said Surely that would contravene trades descriptions?? He moved on.

    He then told me that "Sky currently have a 3 month waiting list for HD"

    "Really" I said, "I booked it on Friday and they're installing on Wednesday morning??" He said, "Oh well that's what we've been told"

    Clearly someone is being as economical with the truth at Virgin, as they are with their HD announcements!!

    He then went on to say what cowboys BT were and how they would rip me off and deliver poor service for phone and Broadband.
    At which point I revealed to him that I happen to work for BT so not to burn his bridges!!

    They're coming for my V+ on the 31st March so I get a month to compare picture quality across the two platforms now. I'll share my findings.

  2. I suspect you will enjoy the experience very much - except for the PQ on ITV channels which have such low bitrates on Sky. However, there is so much HD programming on Sky, I rarely watch SD channels any more.

  3. Thanks Carole, Hopefully when ITV go a liitle more mainstream with their HD offering, Sky will be in the queue for takeup. I'm really looking forward to it now. I'm like a kid waiting for Xmas!! The days seem to be going slower and slower!! Haha!!

  4. im happy for yu i would go sky but yu need a bt line and they suck thts the only reason im not with sky hd

  5. "i would go sky but yu need a bt line and they suck"

    Huh? In what way does a bt landline suck? Wide choice of providers of calling packages (unlike VM line where you're stuck with VM), can get any ADSL service with it (unlike VM where the internet service is separate cable and landline isn't even necessary... can still get VM internet in your house without a VM landline, even with a BT landline installed), can buy your line rental from BT or just £10 to sky (don't even need to deal with BT!)... I can't see any way it's inferior to VM's landline except that you might save money getting a TV/Phone/Broadband bundle.

    Oh and Sky's T&Cs just say fixed telephone line... I'm sure you could use VM for the phone (and/or broadband) with Sky HD installed if you want, and you still even get free M TV with your £11 phone subscription. Also as long as the installer can plug it into the phone socket when he's there, I'm pretty sure it still works (minus some interactivity) if you unplug it after they leave. So if you don't want any landline at all, could easily get Sky HD installed and then cancel your VM phone/TV services!

    In conclusion, I think you should get Sky HD.

  6. You don't need a BT line for Sky HD, just a landline, so you can keep VM's broadband and phone service and just take Sky's TV service. You only need a BT landline if you want Sky's broadband and phone service too, as part of a package. See various posts from Carol Steel elsewhere on this blog

  7. Not making headlines at all Sky have launched yet another HD channel - Sky Arts 2 HD. Nat Geo Wild HD is testing on astra 2B and about to launch this month and the OKayed Animal Planet HD seems likely to launch fairly soon too. Depressing stuff :-(

  8. Yes, I can confirm that Nialli. I switched to Sky for my TV, but kept my Virgin phone line and broadband. Sky tried me to switch to their broadband/telephone service by saying they would pay for my BT installation costs, but I decided to stick with Virgin for these services. Sky were quite happy to go with that.


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