June 04, 2009

"HD announcement this week"?

Insiders are hinting at something "imminent"; recent posts on MediaBoy's Cable Forum thread


  1. Personally I'm sceptical, but you never know...

  2. This week is a bit better than coming soon!!!

  3. They've said this before and nothing came of it. The cable operator that cried wolf?

  4. I think virginmedia are too late in this battle now. HD has been evolved by sky.

    Virginmedia has lots of on HD on demand content, yes! but who wants to watch on demand all the time to expireince HD? its all about live tv in HD. If virginmedia, such a big corparate giant cannot conquer this then they have no chance.

    They keep trying to buy time on releasing 4 HD channels when sky are trailing ahead with about 30! Virgin need to assess the churn rate in regards to customers leaving because of HD! and pull thier fingers out of thier arses.

    With they cheif technical officer leaving, its not a good look for them. But we will see what happens as this week is more or less over.

  5. Virgin's churn rate is at a record low - regardless of how many desert because of the lack of HD the company is not going to be convinced by that particular statistic at the moment.

  6. yes fair enough it is. But it is low due to the shitty indian call centres, who dont even know there own names, the lack of hd, and customer dedication. Youve posted on your blog before about how many people are aware of HD in the uk. So once they have had a taste of HD the next place they will go is to thier service provider's to see if they can offer this.

    I think the churn rate within the last new months has been due to HD because of sky super marketing scheme with Sky+HD.

    Have you heard anything regarding the new hd channels that are supposedly coming?

  7. Latest on VM's Twitter: "Goal is to launch 5-6 around Autumn & we'll make announcements closer to that time."

    Bang goes my two-week HD fest in mid July then :-(


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