June 22, 2009

No HD on 4OD

Richard Davidson-Houston (Channel 4 head of online products): "It would seem inevitable that we will go HD at some stage. I'll tell you absolutely straight that there is no one working on it. The problem for us, being a commercial organisation, is if we're going to stream in HD it costs us more money. Unless advertisers or somebody else is prepared to pay more money to us, then it's a very difficult thing to justify doing." [Story from Digital Spy]
Whether on not this applies to the Virgin Media version of 4OD is not known. Also, wasn't 4OD supposed to have its own Virgin Media portal by now (like the Beeb has with iPlayer)?


  1. Thanks for the article. I don’t see 4oD coming to my country anytime soon. However, there are plenty of workarounds available to access it here in my country. Personally, I use UnoTelly for more than a year and I can access 4oD like I am in UK.

  2. Over five and a half years later and still no HD.


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