July 23, 2009

C4 HD testing on Virgin Media

According to MediaBoy over on Cable Forum, C4HD is testing on both ex-NTL and ex-Telewest platforms now.


  1. How often has "Media Boy" been accurate in his predictions?

  2. This isn't a prediction - Virgin ARE testing C4 HD on those networks. Whether the channel will launch in weeks, months or years is unknown, but it is definitely testing.
    Media Boy has proven better informed than many forum posters but does not work for Virgin Media.

  3. I wonder if the ESPN being free to XL TV comment has any truth behind it, I know it says they are still in talks but it's still great news!!!!

  4. I understand that is what Virgin are negotiating for. I also have been told by several sources that we may well get both Eurosport and ESPN HD soon but nothing's been finalised yet.

  5. This is starting to sound better and better.
    If xl customers get ESPN HD as part of our package (like setanta) all we need is ITV HD and thats most of my footy taken care of.

  6. Now if only ESPN could winkle the rights to show some NFL games off of Sky somehow then (assuming we get ESPN) it would be perfect!

  7. On the same forum tonight 'Media Boy' says that it 'may' launch with the other 4 HD channels. Also he has been told that VM are in talks with up to 15 broadcasters! The ball is really rolling.

  8. FX, National Geographic, MTV and Living are the only ones announced by Virgin - anything more is speculation, possibly well-informed but speculation ne'ertheless. A few months ago I was given "definite" launch info and nothing happened. Maybe this time. Maybe.

  9. They did of course announce the deal to carry C4 HD in October 2007, so it was a bit of a surprise that other channels seemed to leap frog it to be launched.

  10. Testing testing testing ALL the F**** time, when would we get this HD we paying for?

    they acking like VIRGIN MEDIA going be the first 2 bring out HD when sky has more then 25 channel.

    we still dancing around BBC HD

    and testing.
    2010 coming soon and am sure they still be taken are money and testing ............ on and onnnnnnnnn

  11. Can anyone explain to me what is involved in this 'testing process' and why 'media boy' is able to see the test while others can't ?

  12. The testing process exists to make sure the channels are broadcasting correctly for all areas before they launch. It's so that they don't launch it as a buggy mess and annoy customers who can't view it.

    Media Boy himself can't see it (at least not always), he only reports on what he is told by insiders or other Virgin customers who can see the channels.

    Anyway, C4 HD is confirmed now.

  13. Some of the older, non-V+ boxes have an engineer's menu that shows any channels testing. It's not just Media Boy - if you know what you're doing with an old Pace box you can see them, not sure about the Samsung.
    Testing of new channels or services is common on all platforms, both from a capacity perspective but also as there are various technical tests you need to undertake. With HD, you're looking at considerably more bandwidth utilisation and that all needs to be tested fully before the service can go live with consumers.

  14. > Anyway, C4 HD is confirmed now.

    Is it? Where?

  15. Just spotted this interesting news:


    We recently announced the launch of a new ESPN channel in the UK to begin airing on 3rd August. Along with Barclays Premier League matches and the best of international sport, the channel will offer Live American sports which are currently available on ESPN America including Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League and NCAA sports - both in standard and high definition.

    While we are not able to provide specific scheduling details at this time, this information and other updates will be released shortly here. Thank you for your patience as we evolve our sports offering for the UK market.

    ESPN America is available on Virgin Media channel 533 but differs depending on what Virgin TV package you subscribe to.

    M & L pack subscribers: ESPN America costs an additional £10

    XL Pack subscribers: ESPN America is free as part of your package

    However when I go on my guide it's greyed out...wonder what will happen on the 3rd August....

  16. Is there goind to be a bravo HD, Virgin 1 HD and BET?

    This is for media boy

  17. Virgin Media had a strategy last year and this year, in 2008 they would be working on their broadband service, and in 2009 it would be the launch of more HD channels.

    Nialli is quite right VM have only said that they will be launching 6 channels over the next few months, with up to 4 channels by the start of August. However having said that, they do plan to launch more by the end of the year.

    One of the reasons that it is taking time to get the HD channels out, is the old analogue equipment used takes up that much band width, VM can only launch so many channels at any one time.

    Now somebody said that Sky have over 25 channels of HD, they have 33, but not everything shown on them is HD, Sky only show around 20% of HD on these channels.

    VM may not have the HD service it wishes it had, but at least it does not intend to rob it's customers by charging for something they still do not get all the time.

    Last of all, after the Ofcom report was published, Sky will have to provide their so called precious HD channels to other suppliers. Ofcom are going to be setting the pricing with Sky & VM, this is so Sky don't try and rip VM off, like they did with the Sky1 cock up. It will be the case soon that all service providers will have nearly all the same HD channels for around the same price, and when they do, your only choice will be "which service will you have"???

  18. No what is more likely is Sky appeal the OFCOM decision resulting in another 12 months in the courts.

    The Conservatives win the next election and piff paff poof OFCOM ceases to exist.

    Murdoch a million quid lighter but surely with a peerage in the offing.

    Ah the model of free market economics where open competition leads to cheaper prices for all.

  19. Haha at the free market economics thing. so is channel 4 confirmed because i haven't heard any official news suggesting so. also, ESPN america isn't free for XL subscribers as far as I know.

    5 days to go people...


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