July 19, 2009

More on the additional HD channels coming soon (honest)

According to a VM insider:
The four additional HD channels will be available from August 1st. The PictureBox service HD films will increase to around 75% of their films within the first year. Confirmation on ESPN is expected shortly. And there may be more additional HD channels (Eurosport and History?) available October/November.


  1. Who is your "VM insider"? A post you read on Cable Forum or Digital Spy, I bet!!!!

  2. I thought LivingHD was launching after the others?

  3. Who's the VM insider? Check the last post on this previous comment http://vmhd.blogspot.com/2009/07/six-hd-channels-now-testing-on-virgin.html
    If I see something on Cable Forum or Digital Spy I usually credit it as such.

  4. Hmm, well Virgin's own press release says that the FIRST of the four channels will be available at the end of July. Now it seems all four will launch 1st August?
    There has indeed been talk of this on the Digital Spy V+HD forum, posters were arguing early last week with the assertion that the CEO's office were informing interested parties that ythe new channels would arrive on August 1st.
    The rest of your post is just more "coming soon" nonsense isn't it?

  5. By the way, is a comment so poorly-worded (and spelt) as your "VM Insider" posted really to be trusted? It's all in capitals as well!

  6. So are we already slipping from the July of the press release?

  7. Seems that way, if the "insider" is to be believed.

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  10. To be honest, I could care less what day they launch as I won't be anywhere near my TV set at the beginning of August. What peeves me is that the official press release is saying something different to this "insider".
    Remember, the Blogger changed the title of this blog to "Coming soon" because of all the false dawns we've had.

  11. End of July becomes 1st August, 1st August becomes 1st January, I just cannot take anything which Virgin says seriously anymore. I hope it's true though, would be great for more HD!

  12. Yes, of course we want more (we could have ALL the Sky HD channels and still have room to argue about something...) however, let us not lose sight of the first 4 coming in July/August, before we start bitching about "more" HD channels!

  13. Searching fro True Blood in the channel listing on the Virgin Media website earlier already brings up FX HD results. Hopefully not far off then!


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