With the BBC dicking around with its compression settings on BBC HD it's good to see that another broadcaster has got it right: the National Geographic HD channel's picture quality is absolutely stunning, and no more so than with the series Wild Russia. I watched it on Sunday evening and my breath wasn't so much taken as stolen. Awesome.
Sundays, 8pm, channel 232.
The only problem is that it is on the Nat Geo Wild channel and not on the Nat Geo HD channel :(
That schedule is for Nat Geo Wild, but it's definitely showing on Nat Geo HD - Sunday evenings at 8pm. Either that, or I dreamed it!
ReplyDeleteI also watched wild Russia on Sunday on Nat Geo HD, thought the picture quality was so much better than Life on BBC Hd last night. There was a few great frames but overall Nat Geogot my thumbs up..
ReplyDelete"With the BBC dicking around with its compression settings on BBC HD"
ReplyDeleteDid I miss a post about this? What have they done? Do you have figures for each HD channel?
Afront: check this http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinternet/2009/09/picture_quality_on_hd_a_respon.html and especially the 490 comments Danielle's post raised.