October 24, 2009

Virgin Media Q3 results this week

Thursday sees Virgin Media announce its latest quarter's results, and, if the last year's announcements are anything to go by, we should see another service enhancement to help distract from so-so performance and details of the debt re-financing. Whereas Sky's stunning performance quarter after quarter speaks for itself (another quarter of a million signed up to HD last quarter, taking the number up to 1.6m), Virgin's Chief Exec Neil Berkett has previously relied on something up his sleeve each quarter to offer some cheer to his customers. I wonder what will we see this time?
Earlier in the summer we had the additional HD channels which, let's be honest, surpassed most's expectations - not just 4HD, but also Nat Geo, MTVN, FX, ESPN and Living, all for nowt if you're on the XL package. This time around I'd hope for more HD (ITV1, Sci Fi, Discovery, History?) but I think chances are it'll be back to something more about 50mb broadband, maybe making that the standard for VIP customers rather than the current 20mb. Or maybe he'll just pacify the financiers with more details of the accounting wizardry and London listing of VM.
Anyone know anything definite?


  1. You would think with the run up to Christmas and the country still officially in recession it would be price movement, hopefully downwards!!

    Maybe a wee reduction for those on bundles !!!

    We can but dream LOL

  2. As Sky seems to continually buck the trend by increasing prices AND increasing the size of their customer base, I'd say a price cut was out of the question.
    I think there will be some positive statements about the plans for IPTV in non-cabled areas and some remarks about launching Living HD as a Virgin exclusive.
    I sincerely doubt they'll be adding any more channels to their "free" (for those taking the top package) HD service any time soon, although ITVHD would certainly add value to their offer and would have to be offered "free", of course.

  3. Well, better than expected then!!


  4. "Well better than expected then?"
    Well, my predictions were largely spot on! There was no announcement of price reductions, they mentioned the record levels of VOD usage rather than future IPTV plans and (just as I said) they made mention of launching Living HD.
    They also said they would launch more HD channels "next year" which is almost as non-specific as "coming soon". Also, isn't the previously announced HD Food channel likely to be next year?
    I'm glad both Virgin and Sky continue to ride out the recession with such encouraging results.

  5. I agree with you Mark, the expectations I was referring to the market predictions, not our requirements as a customer ;-)


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