November 26, 2009

Forums buzzing with Tivo news and speculation

The news that VM and Tivo are pairing up for the next gen TV stuff in 2010 has got a lot of people excited. Here are a few of the threads on the topic for those interested:
Cable Forum
Digital Spy
Before your excitement reaches fever pitch though check out this more sobering post on Broadband TV News, which says
Virgin Media currently runs the SeaChange International-owned TV Navigator (the former Liberate) middleware across its technology footprint. It is expected that TV Navigator will continue to be used on SD receivers following the extension of its contract through until at least 2011. Broadband TV News understands that TiVo is likely to be used on a dedicated receiver model, TV Navigator continuing on current and future deployments of the standard and V+ (DVR) receivers.


  1. That seems fair enough - the development and distribution isn't going to happen overnight.

    The pleasing aspect is the fact that they are heading in the right direction regarding improvement on the TV side if the business.

  2. Never heard of Tivo before but a quick Google search and they seem like very clever little boxes compared to V+ boxes.
    If they do develop new ones for VM lets hope they incorporate mpeg 4 for HD content and a bigger HDD.


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