February 25, 2010

Virgin Q4 2009 results and 100mb broadband announced

First the results [full press release here]

  • 40,600 new cable and non-cable customers; 228,900 product net additions
  • 63,600 new cable broadband subs compared to 57,100 in Q4-08
  • 45% more homes on 20Mb or higher than a year ago reflecting improved demand for higher speeds
  • 100Mb service to be commercially launched later this year
  • 56,900 new digital TV subs, 112,700 new V+ HD subs and 74 million average monthly Video-On-Demand views as growing awareness of total TV offering leads to strong take-up
  • 77,100 new mobile contract subs; total up 46%, nearing 1 million milestone
  • Low churn of 1.2%; 60.5% triple-play penetration and 10.7% quad-play penetration reflect success of good value bundles strategy 
Analysis and more detail on The Guardian
The 100mb broadband announcement is less precise:

Virgin Media, the UK's leading internet service provider, today announced it would begin the roll-out of a 100Mb broadband service, the fastest available commercial product in the UK, by the end of 2010. 
Press release on that here 

Neil Berkett video interview here

Slightly better numbers than predicted though I'm not sure there will be much demand for 100mb broadband given that there are only 41,400 customers who have taken up the 50mb service. I think it's time those of us still paying the full whack for VIP's now pretty average looking 20mb service got a bump up - how about it, Mr Berkett?


  1. Broadband aside, not much in the way of news for VM customers. The 100mb/200mb is just willy waving really, destined to be a niche product for a while yet.
    How about something for the rest of us bread-and-butter customers?
    Tivo news? HD channels? SD channels? New VOD content? Nothing (as of 11.30am anyway).
    What about getting Five onboard for VOD? Everyone's getting it these days - even TV.com for god's sake! It's on YouTube, SeeSaw and BT Vision - people Virgin really should be bettering at every turn.

  2. I agree with the VIPers (Myself included) in that we should have 50Meg included in the package.

  3. Eeveevolve,
    Ask VM to upgrade you.
    Simple test on VM website.

    VIP Package = £89.50 (includes £11 line rental)

    Gets you XL BB, XL TV and XL PHONE.

    If you create a bundle XXL BB, XL TV and XL PHONE, with V+ and Sports/Movies collections it comes to £93.50

    An increase on you monthly bill of £4.

    And if a new customer its £44 per month for first 2 months saving £99

    Now I did this with Sky before I left to join VM and it worked a few times, ask to upgradfe to 50mb without increasing monthly fee and quote some of the figures above, your an excisting customer and wish to stay but are looking for the best package as a VM customer.

    Threat Sky gave you a good deal with HD etc with free BB and Phone which they are doing when you take all 3 packages.

    Of couse it all depends on how long you have being with them, if coming up to 12 mths or over then the ball is in your court - VM do not want you to go, this may not work if only being with them for 6 mths.

    Good luck and let me know how you get one.

    Remember customer services do nowt so ask to go to cancelations department and plead your case.

  4. nice one big red i think i will be trying that tomorrow


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