April 03, 2010

FilmFlex HD - hunt and you will find

I watched the animation 9 in HD last night, courtesy of Virgin's On Demand FilmFlex service last night. The picture quality was stunning, the picture less so - great to look at but a somewhat confused storyline. Probably a bit too scarey for the under-12s.
Anyway the reason I mention it is because finding the HD version proved to be something of an ordeal. Here what you go through for a FilmFlex HD movie listing on the V+
Home; 3 Movies on Demand; 2 Filmflex - Browse All; (still no mention of HD movies being available at this stage) 6 Movie Type & Genres; 9 High Definition
Five buttons to get to the 30+ HD movies. What's worse, unless you know to persevere there's no mention that HD movies are on FilmFlex until you reach that final screen.
Talking about bad menu design. If Virgin aren't getting many customers buying HD movies on FilmFlex, they only have themselves to blame.


  1. It's not just when it comes to HD that VM's VOD service is a bit of a mess. I recently went looking for a BBC repeat. I was unable to find it via search or the channel specific option, but it was available under the alphabetical section.

    I really, really hope the Tivo thing finally gets this shambolic mess sorted out. Unfortunately, it sounds like it's a long way off.

  2. I agree, sometimes it takes ages to find what you want, its easier to go straight to the A-Z. While we are at it - the clock on my V+ Box is about 2 minutes slow. Nothing I have done seems to change it, and as a result I have had to add extra minutes to planned recordings, so I can be sure not to miss bits of programmes.


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