May 11, 2010

Digital Spy redesign

I'm a day late, but just had a quick look at the Digital Spy redesign as it moves further towards the entertainment mass market. If, like me, you couldn't find some of the more familar pages relating to cable TV news and forums, the news can be found at and the Cable Forum is now at I've found the forum of late to be pretty light - I think Cable Forum has now become the preferred site for those interested specifically in Virgin Media activities.


  1. off topic, but those of us on the lewisham head end may be pleased to learn we should be getting the update tonight to the new HD channels... getting the "service not available tonight" message under the live events menu

  2. Lucky you! I haven't checked if I'm equally as lucky. Lewisham's being tackled in three chunks over the next fortnight.

  3. i'd say you're in luck too, i live pretty close to greenwich

  4. Just checked - looks like I am getting the upgrade tonight. Excellent.

  5. In fact all of Lewisham all done. Thanks to MediaBoy for the update


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