July 07, 2010

Film4 HD starting July 20th on channel 429 [updated]

Update: or is it?According to this information on the Film4 web site it will be on channel 429 and is available "now". Either they're a few weeks' early or it really is launching tomorrow!
Another update: they've edited the Film4 HD trailer: it now says channel 429. Still July 20th though.


  1. Still amazed that Virgin have this as a ( I assume timed) exclusive.

    As for 'retiring' after we get the Sky channels.

    Don't you bloody dare.

  2. & i was F**king looking forward to the 8 JULY

    now we have to wait 20 july now , just hope they dont change there mind again :-(

  3. Well it's showing as channel 429 here: http://www.virginmedia.com/customers/pdf/electric-channel-guide.pdf

    Maybe if the ad has channel number wrong it has the launch date wrong too? Guess we'll know tomorrow.

  4. BenMcr has confirmed on Digital Spy that Film4 HD is not launching tomorrow. There's also a screen cap in the Coming Soon thread on Cable Forum showing that the TV ad has been updated to show channel number 429 on 20th July.

  5. When Nialli did the run down of the first few HD films such as Titanic I went on to the TV Guide to see what to set recording. I knew then that 429 wouldn't be on by the 8th as it didn't appear on the listings. All the other HD channels released recently have allowed me to set recordings in this way, appearing on their holding channel days or weeks in advance of full broadcast. Film4 hasn't yet.


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