January 07, 2011

TiVo at CES

Thanks to the Virgin Media Tivo blog for the link to this press release from TiVo at CES:

TiVo Inc. (NASDAQTIVO), a leader in advanced television services and personal video recorders (PVRs), today announced that Virgin Media Inc. (NASDAQVMED) (LSEVMED) is deploying Virgin Media TV powered by TiVo, its new next-generation TV offering to its customers across the United Kingdom.
This deployment marks the first time a cable provider anywhere in the world has offered its customers an advanced cable solution encompassing linear TV, on-demand content and web-based video with a dedicated broadband connection, rather than having to share bandwidth with other content. As a result Virgin Media customers using the TiVo powered set-top box can enjoy the ultimate television entertainment experience through the award winning TiVo user interface to seamlessly search across all the content sources provided by the UK's number one cable operator.
Cindy Rose, executive director of digital entertainment at Virgin Media, said, "After laying all the necessary groundwork to bring the exciting TiVo experience to our customers in record time, we are thrilled to have begun rolling out our next-generation entertainment platform. TiVo has implemented a complex solution, which stitches together the full breadth of Virgin Media's content assets and created a television user interface which is second to none. We are the only UK company to provide a true entertainment discovery experience and offer the ultimate digital lifestyle for our customers."
Joshua Danovitz, VP & General Manager, International, TiVo Inc., said, "There is a lot of discussion in the cable industry about the need to provide internet content to the living room. Unlike current offerings which provide 'best efforts' delivery of Internet video, Virgin Media has redefined the term 'over the top' by providing dedicated bandwidth for these services within the cable video plant and by unifying the consumption experience for end users. As a result of Virgin Media's groundbreaking approach, subscribers with a TiVo powered set-top box will have access to the best TiVo technology and features at their fingertips enabling all kinds of interactive content to be searched, discovered, and delivered in a truly elegant way."

1 comment:

  1. Starting to get bored with all this talk about tivo prices and how great it gonna be and when it will be released,I am a a tv subscriber for vm because of the channels they show not because how good a set top box is.My main concern is what channels we are getting or losing or why are we not getting new ones(sky atlantic for example),Yes i will hopefully get tivo eventually but the prices being spread are totally overpriced and its looking more like sky are now going to be controlling what we watch more than vm i aint gonna spend silly money on a box that aint got the channels to back it and as for vod never watch and dont really care about it.Lets face it if you had to pay for it who would bother with it? I wouldnt,Think the next few months are going to be interesting,Just hope vm dont think that tivo is going to keep there customers and gain new ones its channels we want and new tech at the right price


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