February 10, 2011

New "poll": have you had a call from VM

I've just posted up a poll with a difference: I'm trying to guage how many VM customers have been called regarding TiVo installations. So, if you have had a call offering a TiVo install (free or paid-for) can you please let me know what TV package you're on? That way we can see how many of the blog's readers have been called and if there's a pattern relating to TV packages to the seemingly arbitrary calls.


  1. On XL, got my phone call yesterday, installation will be on the 19th.

  2. i am a XL customer with HD films and sport and i have the original tivo box but no phone call.

  3. I am a VIP50 customer but still no call. Judging by the results thus far, it doesn't matter which package you are on to receive a call.

  4. I am on XL TV package BB and phone; not had a phone call and have call VM to find out what is happening and all I get each time is if I am interested tehy will take down my e-mail address and send me an e-mail (whcih they did the first time and all it was is a link back to the Tivo sign up page on their website!)

  5. Didn't need a no box - the purpose of the poll was to record how many folk get the call. I'm keeping it open all month, so it will just show a running total of those called.

  6. I was on TV M+, but got my call after registering with VM as a user of the original TiVo. Getting installed on the 15th.

  7. Perhaps they're going on number of years with VM, rather than just which package you're on.

  8. Nope. I've been with them more than ten year. Not sure what boxes they're ticking in this process but I'm obviously lacking somewhere.

  9. I've been with them since 1993 (United Artists back in the day). I'm on XL TV & BB but no VM phone so I guess that's why my phone rings silent ;)

  10. Had a 50MB router installed yesterday - asked the guy if he was doing many TIVOs - said they hadn't even had training yet (Gtr Manchester) not saying this applies to the whole of the North west - interesting but not zo amusing!!

  11. VIP 50, but no call - and I refuse to pay anymore even tho Tivo is nice - it's not a necessity to me (especially as the OnDemand seems to have speeded up lately).

    So will wait until free/standard issue!

  12. Are the people getting calls in area that had the upload rate upgrade or not using the faster broadboard available. As the Tivo box has another cable modem or is this an non issue

  13. I've been with them since 1988 (maybe 1989) and am on XL. No call. But then I couldn't lose my third tuner. Has anyone heard a promise on when this will be enabled?

  14. I'm on TV XL (+ phone and BB both XL) and I've not had a call. Recently participated in the Superhub trial so maybe that's it for me for now :o(

  15. tv xl with phone and 10mb broadband
    no call but have registered 3x on the website

  16. tv xl, broadband 10mb and phone package
    have registered 3x and STILL no call...

  17. Just to stop the confusion

    1. There are nearly 300,000 TV customers which fall into the TIVO draw, they are contacting 1000, you work out the odds

    2. No it is not done by region, its is pot luck

    3. The upgrade for the 3rd tuner to be activated is happening March/April

    Just staying on that, the box will actually record 2 channels at once already, but you cant watch a 3rd. So if you are going out and want to record two programmes, just leave the box on one the channels you wants to record and set the other.

  18. I had a call from virgin today!
    It was to arrange my 50mb broadband installation on Tuesday :-( I was so disappointed, the guy just laughed when I told him i was hoping it was a TiVo call.

  19. XL with all add ons, 2 x V+ box, average spend 90 a month, registered for Tivo. No call.

  20. First indications on this poll is that it doesn't seem to matter whether you're a high paying VIP50 or not - TVXL customers seem to be getting the most calls. Of course, this could be just indicative of the fact that there are more of them than the VIP50s, but that seems harsh on those of us shelling out over £100 a month already (TVXL is £30.50 a month). As Square Eyes says, it's the luck of the draw. Hopefully we'll hear something in the next week about TiVo pricing and availability for existing customers.
    Meanwhile, I seem to spend as much time deleting HD programmes from my V+ box as I do watching them...

  21. On XL etc. I added my name to the interested site minutes after VM posted it, as VM Customer Service Rang me to put my dibs on one.

    Rang earlier today was told if I haven't had a call then I had missed out till after 2nd week March.

    As I stated "its only a box, but I would have expected better VM"

    I suspect we might have a REGIONAL backlog here.... So don't build your hopes up.

  22. are you telling me that it does exist, i do not believe it.

    was one of the first people to go to cable in the Huddersfield area and all I get calls about is in regard to me unpluging my broadband monitoring box, and why should I keep it connected, Virgin over me nothing in return.

  23. Had my call tonight. VM had tried twice on home number, eventually got me via my mobile. Installation date next Wednesday 23rd.VIP 50 with two V+ boxes and one old digital box. I am keeping my two V+ boxes.

  24. Not had a call, but have received a mailshot from them today with a 'raffle' ticket with a unique reference number on it.
    You need to register it to be in the draw to be one of 1000 lucky winners who will win Tivo free for a year.
    Worth a try :-)

  25. I had my call yesterday at about 5pm and being installed on 22nd Feb. I'm on VIP50 and keeping the V+ box and VHD box.


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