April 15, 2011

TiVo install report

TiVo is new and the installation is not always straightforward. Here's overyourhead's experience of his TiVo install this week: www.overyourhead.co.uk
My install is next Thursday; hopefully by then most engineers will have this down pat and things will go a little smoother than some experiences this week.


  1. Better experience than mine. Virgin rang me up on Thursday, the night before the day of my install, and told me that the engineer scheduled to do the install job isn't Tivo trained and they would have to reschedule for next Tuesday......very frustrating and annoying.

  2. In the light of the alledged 6000 faulty TIVO boxes and my wasted day and a half, I reckon you have got off lightly, and hopefully installing a PROPER box.

  3. I had my Tivo box installed on Thursday 14th April, it took about a hour but everything works perfectly (apps, TV packages (XL, Sky Sports/Movies, HD and 3D), recording / search works and the ratings works).
    Tivo is well worth the £149.99 that I paid for it plus the £3p/m.

  4. Sorry to say had a nightmare - the virgin guy was great, the installation went well...but

    My operational experience with the Tivo was not good, spoke to support late on yesterday who said everything is running properly and tested out!!

    The list of issues is too long to mention, so at 8:15 this morning, the contract cancelled, tivo being collected on the 19th, I have already put the old V+ back - I did wonder why they were keen to let me keep it for free :(

    I hope other have better experience than I but would be interested to see if I am alone.

  5. I had my TIVO installed yesterday. It was the engineer's first TIVO but with the help of someone on the phone it went well.
    So far all is fine.

  6. I had mine installed on Wednesday. It was the first Tivo install for the engineer. He took his time, I think was almost as interested as me in seeing what the box did. I have absolutely no problems and thought the enineer was very good.

  7. Syrinx2112 - A little hasty, I hope your love life isn't so hit and miss.

    I too have had a belly full of VM and Tivo..... but I have been on leave today, and my Firmware was fixed, and my Box is the DOGS B******s. I now feel like an expert in its use after only a few hours - Very Logical

  8. Can't seem to get Twitter to work... everthing else is great....Plus this box learns really quicky.

    Just noticed that a few buttons on the remote don't have a function yet, well, Info + Text + Screen size are going to cause problems if the MAKE TEA function takes off.

  9. Can I assume they just plug in the box via hdmi? I recall the last box I had needed to plug in with scart lead first to change settings to accept the hdmi cable, or maybe the last installer had lost the plot

  10. Had mine installed yesterday, took about 30 mins to get up and running surprisingly simple. i have to say although getting used to differences with v+ but with an hour of setting wishlists and a few recordings and have loads to watch already.

  11. Ok, its two days now since the box installed. and around 15 hours with full funtionality (or nearly)


    It learns so quick, it is very easy to use and looks a million dollars.

    All apps except TWITTER working (fix by Monday)

    Tivo Direct Tech support on 0800 0522 184 - Very clued up!

    So, downsides..... well only one so far - I miss the REMINDER FUNCTION - Great for start of footy games.
    All in all a painful episode in my life, a bit like having a new baby in the house..........but well worth the heartache.

  12. Saturday - Is wish list day. Setting that up as opposed to just using the DISCOVERY BAR suggestions.

    PLUS, I am informed that with an ethernet port on the machine, this opens streaming via Home Network.

    So, www.freeonlinefooty.com at £6 per two months on a stream to my 37" TV - tasty if if arrives

  13. Forgot to say it really needs a keyboard as moving around letters on screen is really annoying esp for a touchtypist

  14. adarbin said...

    Forgot to say it really needs a keyboard as moving around letters on screen is really annoying esp for a touchtypist
    I'm not sitting with a keyboard....that is VERY EARLY SKY.

    However Predictive text would be good. It already has similar if you use the YOUTUBE search

  15. Install set for 8-1 this morning - never arrived
    When I rang was told "installs have been re-arranged - We will try to ring you back in an hour" - still not heard anything.


  16. Tivo installed yesterday and really pleased until the box decided that it would do random reboots. Must have rebooted 10-15 times and even 3 times one after another last night.

    Tivo help couldnt see the problem so got to wait for an engineer on Monday afternoon now.....

    Not the best start but hopefully will all be resolved on Monday as what i've seen of the Tivo so far is very impressive....

  17. I'd love to see one to comment on !

    on hold again - latest comment from the guy on the phone: "trying to get hold of install team, but I think they have all gone home"

  18. In case anyone has had or will have a similar problem:

    My box was 're-assigned' this morning to a 'higher priority' customer without telling me - the engineer, his boss and any escalation not available for comment. Hopefully will get another call this evening - but install 'no chance'

  19. I was told by virgin install on 17th for my tivo £149 is harsh as i have been with virgin for 10 years and a vip 50 customer for 3 years

  20. Enginner arrived promptly and installed box. however after an hour when the box kept rebooting, he contacted virgin who said to install a second box. this was up and running in 25 mins.

  21. Can anyone here tell me if they need to install a new cable for tivo? I already have v+ so think it should be ok but not sure..


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