Love the idea: you have an actor or director you really like, create a TiVo wishlist and every show/movie they've made gets recorded wherever and whenever it's shown. Well, TiVo wishlists would be indispensable ... if they were reliable.
For example, I've set up one for Steven Spielberg movies, probably the most famous director alive today. But it tells me there are no forthcoming Spielberg movies in the next two weeks. Odd. Schindlers List and Catch Me If You Can are both on Sky movies tomorrow, and Minority Report follows a few days later. What's more, my Orson Welles wishlist missed the BBC's showing of Citizen Kane and Magnificent Ambersons and Sky's A Touch of Evil.
Anyone else had this? It's a great feature but only if, as I say, it is reliable. I realise that with a new service these things improve over time, but it's disappointing when one of the great promises of TiVo isn't working consistently already.
That's tivo all over. Great idea, shame none of it works as it's supposed to. Seriously considering sending it back.
ReplyDeleteIt told me last week there's no comedy on!!!!
Wishlists have been variable but some have worked well. What amuses or irritates me rather more is the recommendations function. I appreciate that I have given strong positive signals to some programmes that have few direct analogues but the thumbs up in these cases seem to have generated precisely zero by way of recommendations. Similarly very strong dislike of all reality TV and programmes like Top Gear has had no effect at all. They keep on appearing in the menu! I think the box should be able to do rather better than this.
ReplyDeleteIts also clear that the system works at its best with US programmes. The iPlayer app similar programmes function works much better in my experience.
Wishlists have been variable but some have worked well. What amuses or irritates me rather more is the recommendations function. I appreciate that I have given strong positive signals to some programmes that have few direct analogues but the thumbs up in these cases seem to have generated precisely zero by way of recommendations. Similarly very strong dislike of all reality TV and programmes like Top Gear has had no effect at all. They keep on appearing in the menu! I think the box should be able to do rather better than this.
ReplyDeleteIts also clear that the system works at its best with US programmes. The iPlayer app similar programmes function works much better in my experience.
I also have a Spielberg wishlist but found mine to work (though there was some playing, I find the wishlist works when you just use 1 main category, dont use director and keyword for example. All I use is one of the main categories, keyword, title, actor or director, and then use HD so it records it in HD only).
ReplyDeleteIt did record some films and as I deleted them immediately (I have them already on Blu Ray) and it has stopped recording them now. Which is good. But I hope it will continue to record other films that come on in the future.
I couldn't agree more with Kevin Lloyd though on both his points. I also feel the whole system is completely geared to the US. Now I know it is a US product but hopefully as time and updates come and go this will dramatically shift. Not that I don't want to be recommended US shows, I just don't want 90% of the recommendations to be US.
And I also agree with no matter how many thumbs up or down I give various programmes, at least 50-60% of my recommendations are still the same as they were when I had the TiVo installed all those weeks ago. Including some that I gave thumbs down too!!
But then I can also give a thumbs down to a programme and it will still record it in my suggestions folder!!
My last gripe with this side of it, is I wish it would focus more on recommending New Shows and not ones half way season 8. I can't imagine too many people out there want to pick up a series nearing it's end. Again, I don't mind some suggestions like this, but all mine are like it and I want brand new shows to be prioritised!
But that's just me!!
When you wish upon a star.................
ReplyDeleteSeriously - mine is picking up everything I ask of it.
ReplyDeleteSO.... Neil Gillibrand, send yours back in a fit of pique.
Have you ever heard of the word Patience???
Pehaps your TIVO hates you, I would if you tried to send me back every time I make a mistake!
Sky Box Office would be nice.
ReplyDeleteI had it 15 years ago so how this Tivo box can't provide it is ridiculous.
Firstly IT IS NOT a tivo problem... It is a meta data problem.
ReplyDeleteMy series one wish lists worked fine. but the meta data supplier was different. Now with vm they have have had to switch suppliers and the quality is much poorer.
If you look at the TiVo community the meta data is a discussion point and old series one users recognise this.
In the old world we had a thread to highlight problems and the meta data company used to fix things highlighted. Sadly the new supplier doesn't seem to have latched on about this.
To Neil, it is a shame you think that the TiVo box is so bad you would rather have your old v+ box.
Personally I think v+ is a dinosaur as bad as the old VCR.
I would miss the superior things such as...
Better search - i never know when programmes are on
Wish lists - despite the problems with meta data
The buffer that works! I can jump into menus and not loose my place, and can watch whilst in certain menus
Folders for recordings that are easy to navigate
Skip forward and back through the buffer
Only one copy of a programme, not every copy
The ability to select how many copies I want of a programme or to select only brand new episodes
The channel independence of programmes being recorded
The ability to set a recording from a remote device
But if you think the TiVo is bad, then give it back. It is your choice.
Btw... Can you tell me what box is better and why? I am curious if you know something the rest of us don't.
Also, the ability to pick a specific minute of a show to start from and now have to fast forward through 2 hours of a show to get to a specific area.
ReplyDeleteSky box office is content, so it is a virgin vs sky argument and not a TiVo argument
Virgin gives you other choices on how to watch the latest movies,
Sorry, I am bias and like TiVo having had one for 10+ years So will highlight when people confuse content with the box.
TiVo does what it says on the tin... It's constrained by content... Either programmes or meta data
Rather than ff, use the jump feature. You can jump 15 mins at a time.
ReplyDeleteMy V+ box has Box Office, my Tivo box doesn't, it isn't a Sky issue. If I want to see a WWE PPV or a Boxing PPV, I have to pull my V+ box downstairs and connect it up.
Every time we call and ask, we get a different excuse. We were even told it would be on Tivo in April - then next time, we were told that was a lie.
It's irritating. Pay more and get less channels for it.
Despite my earlier post I do love my TiVo. But I do think there are things to be improved.
ReplyDeleteBut when I write TiVo doesnt have this or doesn't do that, I haven't taken the time out to think if it's a TiVo or VM issue. I get TiVo from VM so it's all in the same bag to me. I gave VM my money for TiVo so I don't care if it's VM or TiVo specifically, VM bill me so it's down to them to sort as far as I'm concerned.
Not that I'm having a go, I just think VM should take responsibility and we all should look to VM to take responsibility as they are the company that charge us the money.
But I would love to know what is happening out there for people to think TiVo is bad enough to return. I understand people may not think it's good enough to pay for. But to actually think to hell with it I'll get it for you to then dislike it enough to return it?? Like I say, is it expectation or is it poor service from VM to want to return it.
@ wickywoowoo
ReplyDeleteI stand corrected; not having movie channels anymore myself, I don't really care about them any longer.
I do appreciate it can be frustrating, but IMHO content gets fixed over time. Just some things are measured in decades (lol) rather than weeks or months.
I guess the real question everyone should have is something more fundimental than 'do I want tivo?' it is 'which provider VM or Sky provides the content I want to watch? And what am I prepared to compromise on in terms to get the complete package (TV & BB & cash) to get what I want?'
Having been a tivo fan for ages, I am pleased to have it with VM, but I wouldn't tell anyone to choose VM because of tivo. I would always tell them to choose on the content and services offered.
ReplyDeletejust so you are aware
box office will be available with the TIVO box, just have to wait. Virgin already have existing agreemnet for box office events with Sky, just an issue with getting it on the TIVO box, its like the red button - it will be on
The new TIVO Boxes is ok but I guess it will get better over time.
ReplyDeleteRight wish list,
1. Page scrolling the V+ had add it back, one button pages the entire page, the constant taping and clicking sound over the speaks will drive anyone insane.
2. To be able to watch shows from the search and browse field.
3. Same again but BBC content, oh my god does the Mrs complain about that, “why cant I watch BBC from the search field?”
4. Playing content from the back menu from the previous day doesn’t work at all.
Look guys, this could be a good, no a great product but it’s nowhere near where it should be and on what was promised. You are charging use and extra £3 a month and the £150 cost of the box and delivered very little. I think the £3 should be cancelled considering the major sales points don’t all work. Fairs, fair so come on Virgin...
A loyal and patient customer ;-)
@Wayne: Page Scrolling is done using "Channel Up/Down". Not exactly logical, but I guess they were free buttons when in the menus :-)
ReplyDelete@Lewpy Thanks buddy good to know.