May 18, 2011

Virgin comment on SD picture quality and invite beta participation

From the Virgin Community Tivo Picture Quality thread:

Nick has been keeping the TiVo team here at Virgin Media on top of all the hot topics raised on the forum and this particular discussion on TiVo box picture quality has been one that has had us a little perplexed. As some of you may be aware, we started our testing process for the TiVo box last year, and gradually started to roll out the service from the end of last year, before making the product more widely available from April. During this time we've issued numerous software releases to ensure the product is something we can be truly proud of.
However, despite following a rigorous testing process, following an investigation prompted by this thread, we've now discovered a small filtering issue affecting the upscaling of SD channels which can lead to the TV picture on those services looking softer than those produced by our V+ boxes on some TVs. The good news is that filter settings exist within the firmware, meaning that creating a fix is a case of issuing a software update, and hence won't need any sort of box replacement.
We'd like to thank those eagle-eyed members of the forum who've brought this issue to our attention and we are now working with our hardware partners to resolve this issue which will go into a software release later in the year.
As this update also contains new features, it will be a few months before we're able to release it, however we appreciate some of you with certain set-ups where the issue is more pronounced may wish to get the issue resolved as soon as possible, so we'd like to invite some of you to join our beta trial panel. It is important to understand that by joining this restricted group you will receive software at an earlier stage of development which may contain other issues, but at the same time we'd love some of you on board to help make this great product even better. The only caveat is that you will be required to undertake regular 'homework' assignments testing new functionality and you agree to certain restrictions on public discussion.
That's pretty good. So Virgin acknowledge the SD softness problem on the TiVo, plan to fix and are even offering an option for those who can't wait for the next software upgrade to try it early. Nice one VM. I'm happy to wait as I watch little SD and have adjusted my settings to compensate, but for others this is good news indeed.
To participate in the testing, go to this Virgin Media thread and see the May 17th post from NickO which has details of how to contact him.

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