June 23, 2011

New V+ software

There is new software being rolled out to V+ boxes - I got mine overnight. As reported by Media Boy the new code has a number of fixes:
  • Clear any programmes that you haven't been able to delete.
  • The digits on the clock that comes up are also clearer.
  • Standby mode there are no green light around the control buttons.
  • The new code will start with ''UK5'' right now the V+ Boxes are running with ''UK4''
The new home page on V+ boxes is now:

1 TV Guide
2 On Demand & Catch up TV
3 Virgin Central
4 Interactive
5 Search
6 Help
7 Settings

A quick check this morning suggests that the Time Remaining bug has also been fixed.


  1. Really pleased about the update as like you say, it appears to correct the 'space remaining' bug. No need to get TIVO now, as the 'space remaining' bug was my biggest gripe.

  2. what was wrong with the space remaining bug? was it not accurate? must admit i will be holding out on Tivo for as long as poss - i have decided i quite like my little V+ box!

  3. Glad they've fixed a couple of niggles, it is a little reassuring to know they aren't totally consumed with sorting Tivo's problems and forgetting the V+ punters.

    Reckon I'll be holding out on Tivo until such time as VM have sufficient content that my V+ box can't handle recording the programmes I want to watch (if ever).

  4. Has there also been a TIVO update as well?

    Noticed last night whilst moving down my list of recordings that the pause between pages had gone and it is now seamless like the V+.

  5. Samsung only? - My SA V+ is still on UK4...

  6. Looks like it is Samsung only - I haven't heard of anyone getting the upgrade on the SA V+.

  7. Forget Sexism & Racism, this is Hardware Descrimination!


  8. How do I check this code? Can someone please tell me what to press where?
    Thank you

  9. @Saj you should see the new updated menu if you got the upgrade. TV choice has moved into the catch up menu.

  10. Not quite sure how this post is relevant to the title of the blog Nialli?

    "Virgin Media High Definition & TiVo Services"

  11. Being Niallis blog I think he has the right to report whatever he likes.

    And as the V+ box is an HD box I think any updates that makes that box better is worthy of a post. Plus u could argue some people who are having issues with TiVo might like to know about a software update on the V+ box.

    Also a lot of people who have TiVo still have the V+ box so would like this information.

    I actually find your comment unhelpful and irrelevant for the title of this blog

    Nialli - keep up the great work consolidating all the VM info you feel necessary in to one place! Most like me do appreciate it and like the fact its all in one place where we can PICK and CHOOSE which info is relevant to us easily and without fuss. Thanks Nialli


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