July 05, 2011

Virgin refunding early TiVo adopters

Those of us who paid £149 for the TiVo as a "special offer" may be in for a refund of the difference (the box is now £99). Several of this blog's regulars have contacted VM Chief Exec Neil Berkett and have had £50 back. Apparently the TiVo price drop was a reaction to Sky dropping its price on their (inferior) 1Tb box and now VM are contacting the early adopters whether we complain or not.
If true, well done Virgin.


  1. yes,i sent an email last night and got a phone call this morning,yes £50 refund,it seems vm have listened

  2. Email to CEO - Neil Berkett
    email address is

    Thank you

  3. No need, official confirmation from Virgin:


  4. Fair play to them – the lady was very apologetic to me on the phone earlier.

    I very much doubt Sky would be as forthcoming with an apology, or be as easy to get hold of for that matter.

    Well done VM, I’m a happy chappy once again!

  5. I am happy too. I can say no more as I promised VM I wouldn't 'crow'.

    However, events have overtaken that promise, and I HONESTLY BELIEVE VM really do listen to their clietele.


  6. I was interested to know why the word INFERIOR was used??????

  7. Credit where credit is due, well done VM. Whether it would have happened had the reaction they got not have happened we will never know but thankfully a few of us didn't lie down, we did call and/or email and they have listened.

    Now bring on the updates! Woohoo.....did I really just woohoo??

  8. @carryonvending: "inferior" is purely subjective on my part of course. I consider it inferior in its capability but I guess others may consider the Sky box's use of MPeg4 makes it the superior hardware. There are a few bugs with the TiVo but for me it has performed faultlessly for ten weeks and has proven more reliable than my old V+. Sure, the PIN number thing is annoying and the SD rendering is perhaps inferior to the V+ (but on a par with the Sky box) but overall I'd say it was superior. I'm not talking content, just hardware and the OS


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