It is being reported that the BBC will probably wind down its existing red button video services following the Olympics in order to use the bandwidth to launch new high definition stations (Freeview being the bandwidth-constrained platform).What HD channels would that be? With both BBC3 and BBC4 undergoing major reviews my money would be on BBC2 HD and BBC News HD, with the current BBC HD channel becoming a mix of CBeebies and CBBC daytime, BBC3/4 in the evenings.
I completely agree with you Nialli.
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ReplyDeleteWould that be 720p HD or 1080i HD. As we all know the BBC refer full HD as 720p.
ReplyDeleteOr, are we getting the full 1080p HD which makes a big difference - the bandwidh IS available.
Where do the BBC refer to 720p as Full HD? All BBC HD broadcasts are in 1080i, as are all other UK HD broadcasts on all platforms. There is no 1080p broadcast television.