September 08, 2011

TiVo on the iPad and more, coming soon

Virgin Media has released some new screenshots of the forthcoming TiVo for iPad App, anticipated in the next month or two along with a series of new software updates to address some current bugs and add some new features too.
Virgin also announced that Korean manufacturer Samsung will be making its next generation TiVo boxes. Odd - I thought they already had a deal with Cisco, the makers of the current boxes. Is demand that high, or are there some production issues with the first TiVo boxes?
Whatever the reason, don't expect a radical change in the box's appearance: there's an exclusive photo over on PocketLint - it looks identical to me.


  1. Now this is how TV should be ...

  2. I may have missed something here but will you be able to watch programmes on your ipad? Live? Recorded? Or is it just a larger version of the TV guide you can currently get on the iphone??

  3. might explain the radical price drop...
    were VM unhappy with the Cisco boxes and more impressed with Samsung build quality (like V+ box?)

  4. It's all very good but it would be nice to have a decent Android app too? The current one is nowhere near as nice as that iPad one looks.

  5. on digital spy its siad that

    Virgin Media picks Samsung to build next wave of TiVo boxes

    is this a good thing becouse ive had 5 of the v+ boxes

  6. Great idea but they carry over the infuriating lack of broadcast time in the programme detail at the top of the page. Plenty of screen real estate to have the showing time displayed. Rather more important than the list of actors and even the description of the show.

  7. Re the iPad app... For clarity, the tv guide app is the ability to look at the guide and select a program to be recorded... Which is a message sent to the box, and why you need 30 mins to set the program to record.
    The iPad app is more sophisticated as you actually talk to you own TiVo box via the Internet.
    You can control the box directly from the your iPad, eg whilst a program is playing you can go to the iPad and look for stuff in the menus.,
    Due to copyright rules it is not expected that you can watch programes on iPad that are on the TiVo, but details are sparse as the app isn't released yet.
    expect more to be available soon as it will be imminent and or ting final testing and apple approval.

  8. never mind the ipad , me and most people i know have have Android phones and tablets...what about us

  9. Without the ability to stream content from your TIVO to your iPad over the net, it's all rather pointless. A simple HTML 5 web page would have worked as well and for something as bare bones as this.

  10. @morobishi - how would an HTML5 page know what was on your personal TiVo box? Or act as a remote? I'm not a web designer, but I think the way you can control the TiVo from the iPad looks pretty neat.
    The App is not live yet btw - no sign of it in the Apple Apps store. Once it's released I'll test it on my iPad and write up a review.

  11. This video of the US Ipad version shows what it will most probably look like.

  12. @f1king - thanks a bleedin lot, think im going to have to buy an ipad now haha

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. SmallWorld Cable have been offered
    all HD Movies including
    Sky Movies Classics HD.
    @skymovies is Sky Movies Classics HD coming to Virgin Media in october @smallworldcable have been offered all HD Movies
    @buddieboy2011 @skymovies Yes we have and are just deciding whether /when to launch!/smallworldcable
    I think the Test Channel 890
    is Sky Movies Classics HD


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