October 12, 2011

Friends on Comedy Central HD...in HD!

Comedy Central is a funny old channel, but not necessarily in the way the programme makers always intend. For a start it has some of the worse lip sync issues I've seen on any channel - on both Virgin Media and Sky. Then there's it's scheduling, which is now seemingly entirely made up of the so-so Two and a Half Men and now repeats ad nauseum of Friends, whilst the Emmy winning first run of last year's season five of 30 Rock sits cobweb coated on some shelf in their archive. Most odd.
But hang on a minute - I've just watched an episode from the first season of Friends which looked old 4:3, dark, dingy and bedraggled on E4 and it's all sparkly, widescreen and genuinely HD! Amazing. According to Comedy Central: "Yes the rumours are also true that we’ve got Friends in HD too! Back in the 90s the peeps at Warner Bros had the cunning foresight to shoot the original episodes on film so we’ve had them re-mastered to bring you better looking Friends on our channel. Widescreen and everything." So well done CC, now please sort out the lip sync issue on some of your broadcasts and treat 30 Rock with the respect it deserves when you bring it back this month, a year late.


  1. How shit is Friends?even in HD

  2. Not to mention the fact they air The Office at weird times, sometimes skip half a season, and then just stop showing it for no good reason. Bizarre.


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