November 02, 2011

TiVo update rollout dates

According to our reliable friend Mr S. Eyes, the 15.2 update will be rolling out between 17th and 24th November.


  1. Will we found out which areas are getting it on certain dates ?

  2. That period spans a weekend - the 17th is a Thursday. Is that likely?

  3. I was in a Virgin Shop yester and all the 'Tivo Team' would say was 'before Xmas'....

  4. two things...
    1. they can push the f/w update on any day of the week. There is no technical reason it wouldnt be a thursday. also they can push all the boxes if they want to on the same day. I seem to remember the last update was all boxes in 24 hours. (unless you switch the box off at night when you might need to force the upgrade)

    2. november 17th is before xmas - lol - so they were right!

    Actually as you probably guess most VM staff haven't a clue about the beta; this is normal! Companies will keep information to the project team initially then roll out to the extended deployment/readiness team at an appropriate time near to the release and then information will roll out to the sales, installation and customer services staff in the weeks before as they train them.

    Some support staff will be in both the project and deployment teams and will have been working with the beta to prepare for the customer rollout.

    This is normal and how they contain leakage of information for new software.

    So put simply... we have to wait and see.
    We're gonna find that strange as none of us are used to having to wait like that!!! lol

  5. I have been told by someone else the exact same dates. I think it's true.

  6. i hope this will make tivo easier to use,and make it faster and not so many hiccups,i have shown this box to my sky friends,and they just laugh and say what a load of nonsense it is,just to record,not user friendly at all,and far to slow,i hope this sorts it


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