It's been a good month for Virgin Media film fans who don't pay the king's ransome demanded by Sky. First there was the arrival of TCM in high definition to sit alongside Film4 HD, and now they've announced free Picturebox for customers for the whole of February. Highlights for the month include
Love Actually, ET, the excellent Mystery Men, Incredible Hulk, The Hulk, Lost in Translation, Hellboy II and Scott Pilgrim.
Details on the VM website.
Ok, ok, I know it's free. So shouldn't complain. But I think I can say after looking at the list of films, I won't be making use of this offer at all.
ReplyDeleteNothing of any interest to me on picture box.
ReplyDeleteSorry but the ancient crap in PictureBox should always be free. Very little value there really. Especially when most of the make the rounds on Sky Movies on Demand several times a year.