March 07, 2013

VM confirms ITV HD launches delayed

From Kieren Aris at Virgin Media
Hi all,

We apologise for getting you all excited, but we're experiencing a few delays with the launch of these channels and will let you know as soon as we're ready to go.

Thanks for your patience!


  1. Typical,vm promise made then broken

  2. They are nice to have,but honestly not waiting on them...take your time,get things right

  3. Had enough of virgin, waited around for age for tivo to become everthing virgin promised. The lack of F1 HD, and the fact I've got 12 months at half price means moving to sky is now a no brainer.

  4. you cant blame VM for sky with holding F1 HD

  5. I wonder why no one is pulling their hair out for lack of ITV HD channels.

  6. Vm can only do what they can do. When sky have them by the balls about their channels. And vm dont own itv or their infrastructure so its not their fault of a delay. Be grateful that they are trying to increase the lineup as technically they dont have to and you signed upto vm with the lineup they hadback then

  7. What a narrow minded comment vm don't have to increase the line up,they are quick enough to increase the monthly I don't think it unreasonable to ask for increased channels!

  8. All three have launched at 1am today !!!


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