April 19, 2013

TV Anywhere (unless you're on Android)

What's going on with the Android version of Virgin Media's TV Anywhere App? For iPhone and iPad users it's been around a while now, and jolly useful it is too, but for non-Apple mobile and tablet users the wait is proving increasingly frustrating. Not only are there mixed messages emanating from VM as to whether they actually are going to release an Android App (see the later posts here: http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/TV-Anywhere/Tv-anywhere-android-support/td-p/1573160/page/9 ) but the US TiVo Android App is over a year old (see the video). How frustrating, and how long does it take to change the colour from blue to red?? (Thanks for the tip, Neil G)


  1. I will cancel and in to sky if they don't hurry up with the Android app.

  2. Virgin mobile don't even stock I phones. There top phone is the s4 which of course is android. Surely it makes sense to provide full virgin media support to virgin mobiles.

  3. Virgin mobile flagship phone is the Samsung s4 which is android. They don't even stock I phones. Surely it makes sense to give virgin media support to virgin mobiles. Come on sort it out.

  4. Just had virgin media installed. To find I can't use tv anywhere on my galaxy s3. ....unbelievable


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