July 18, 2013

BT Sports announcement "coming soon"

I've now heard whispers from both BT and VM that a deal's pretty much done and an announcement is imminent. I'd imagine the £12 for SD, £15 for HD, is what we'll see, same as Sky.
Pure speculation ahoy: an alternative would be that VM may subsidise it for the first three months and include it in TV XL. I wouldn't have thought the cost to VM would be that high and it may prove a sufficient lure to retain or attract casual footie fans who don't want the full Sky Sports extravaganza. Not sure how that would sit with BT but I would have thought it would be one of the options Virgin may consider.


  1. Would only be worth having to me as part of the XL package as per ESPN. Wouldn't appeal at the other prices mentioned especially on top of a Sky Sports subscription who edge it with the amount of football on offer and in addition things like the Ashes/Ryder Cup/Lions tour coverage etc.

    On a separate note any word on the much-mentioned Sky Atlantic deal?

  2. No confirmed news yet on Sky Atlantic. Latest rumour on both Digital Spy and Cable Forum is that it will appear as SD on channel 119 and in HD on 120, but I'm not sure how reliable a source "Asian Viewer" has

  3. If BT sports is not included in the Xl package I will not be paying for it as the don't have enough to offer us. Plus I would rather have HD on the remaining sky sports channels

  4. I agree, if it's not in XL, virgin can kiss it... Besides I only watch it for UFC, and I can download it in HD anyway

  5. If its not in XL I will probably drop down, perhaps to M. Current bill is already high. Might junk it all together and go FreeSat.

  6. the sooner it officially announced the better then we will know if it in a pack or extra should be at least in VIP pack IMO

  7. Unless it's added to the XL package i will not bother i pay over £60 a month for my TV package as it is.

  8. Great news! As a rugby fan BT Sort is essential for me!


    ...has anyone else noticed that Tivo now has advertsiing on teh pause/ff/rewind screen on certain channels? Very frustrating as it covers the picture.

    He is a (blurry) shot from Cops on CBS yesterday.


  10. I pay over £100.00 P/M and would also like BT sports will be sorry to leave VM

  11. Mikthemag

    Just got TIVO very disappointed with it

  12. BT sports will be coming to virgin media !

    James: Hi, welcome to Virgin Media. How can I help? Just type your question below...
    You: will you be getting bt sport
    You: ?
    James: I will be happy to answer your question about BT Sports.
    James: BT Sport will be launching this summer with coverage of Barclays Premier League matches, football from Italy, France and Brazil and Aviva Premiership rugby. Plus, there's also an ESPN branded channel with the latest in US sports and UFC
    James: BT Sports will be available with us from August onwards.
    James: Is there anything else I can help you with?
    You: Is this confirmed anywhere as people dont seem to know Im a virgin media customer have been for 4 years just needed to know if you'll be having bt sport otherwise would have looked at other options
    You: Also is there a price ?
    James: We only share or provide you with the information only if we are definite about it.
    James: I am sorry, we do not have any prior information on BT Sports at the moment. I suggest you to stay tuned and contact us again in August for more information on BT Sports.
    You: how do i make sure I get these channels ? Also will they be available from a certain date ? sorry to ask questions just want to make sure I know all the info so I dont change providers
    You: ok thank you for your help

  13. checked the tv listings this morning, pressing next day etc.. after 31st both espn america and espn classic - say no longer available but espn/hd has programme listings..


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