November 01, 2013

Now TV

My little Now TV box arrived in the post this morning. Sky Atlantic ahoy! I'll set it up this weekend and let you know how it performs. (And, yes, I know Sky Atlantic has very little on at the moment but at just a tenner to buy and a fiver for a month, one has to try these things!)


  1. If you have any trouble getting it to connect to your virgin superhub just google as you need to go into a roku network screen to resolve it, if you have a lot of files on your computer to stream you can load plex through developer mode info to do this is on the web too. I loved my Now tv box so much I now have a roku box running through a separate router as the super hub would not allow me to change dns settings and now get us channels plus Netflix us 😊

  2. I had no problem logging on to my SuperHub - worked first time.
    First impression was that the HD content on BBC iPlayer looked good but the SD (for some reason MOTD 2 from last week was only in SD) was pretty poor.
    I haven't signed up to the Sky Entertainment package yet. The Sky Atlantic On Demand content has no Game of Thrones or any of the "Box Sets" you can get via a dish but does have the last four weeks of the headline shows. Will have a look at those this weekend hopefully.


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