July 23, 2015

Is your TiVo box rebooting itself? UPDATED

I've got two TiVo boxes and they both have been rebooting like crazy this morning. I went on to the VM Community pages and found that I wasn't the only one - it appears to be widespread. Anyone else seen this?
UPDATE: VM employee Spiderplant reports on Cable Forum that it's a national fault and under investigation, problem F003809631 

Outage reported on The Register but by the time they published it had been resolved. Spiderplant tells me that it was rectified mid-afternoon.


  1. Yep, started doing it at 6am. Allegedly a known fault with a fix time of 10.35am today but as we have ongoing broadband issues from October 2014 that their customer service department say will be fixed in November 2015 my faith in them isn't high right now..

  2. Yep mine too, I have 2 Cisco 500GB and 1 Samsung 1TB TiVo boxes, the Samsung box has been fine but the other two have been constantly rebooting sporadically for about 2 weeks. Turning them off for a while hasn't helped. Rang Virgin and they bumped up the signal but to no avail, waiting till Monday to see if it resolves itself before I call again.

  3. I have one of the first Virgin tivo 1tb boxes must be 5 years old or more,no problem no rebooting to report i live in Watford,i wonder if this is a geographical issue,a friend from across the street has a 500gb samsung box no problems as well.

  4. 31st july - 1TB Tivo box in Hatfield, Herts.
    Constantly rebooting today, eventually it did a software download itself and all looks OK now.
    2 faults in area F003824132 and F003824188, both status "engineer on way"


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