February 05, 2018

Sky Atlantic to arrive on Virgin Media "in Q2 2018"

Yes, I know we've heard it all before and, yes, I know it's never materialised despite the rumours, but this time a number of sources are suggesting it could actually arrive before the summer. I'm a little sceptical, having published such rumours before many times since the channel's launch as a Sky exclusive all those years ago - the channel is still missing from our line up.
I hope I'm wrong and it arrives as rumoured, but if I were you I wouldn't put that Now TV box on eBay just yet...


  1. Fingers are crossed. Perhaps Sky is struggling to get viewing figures on this channel.

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just release a new sky exclusive channel weeks later and migrate shows like GOT to a new channel! Sky 1 used to have all their good shows now it’s crap.

  3. Maybe they have worked out they make more from the selling of channels on other platforms than they do from the new customers who purchase sky because of this single channel.

  4. Would be great to see on virgin

  5. Maybe they actually read survey comments like mine to find I don't intend to switch to Sky and only use the NowTV app when Game of Thrones or Westworld are on.
    If it became part of the Full House package I'd hope it didn't cost more annually than my occasional use.
    If as a paying app makes no odds to me as it's easy enough already to access via my smart TV.If it's cheaper
    via Virgin that helps !

  6. i so hope this is true as i have just taken out virgin media services again :-)

  7. So we’re now in July and no word of Sky Atlantic coming to VM. Does anyone have any updates on this, or is this just Pie in the Sky?

  8. I was sceptical and it appears I was right - still no sign of Sky Atlantic on Virgin Media :(

  9. I had a virgin media guy round to sort our tv out today and he said it will be this year


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