August 11, 2018

UKTV channels return to Virgin Media

The channels added during the UKTV time away have stayed. I can see only two that have been renumbered Quest HD  is now 217 and C&I HD is on 222


  1. Those additional channels were aways going to stay, as they were already planned to be added prior to the UKTV loss, it was just a coincidence that they turned up at the same time as the removal.

  2. Well done virgin for making the costumers happy

  3. Isn't it it ironic that people demand that virgin get back those ten channels
    And they finally relent and get them back and yet those same people have been
    Pleading with virgin to get sky atlantic.
    And where is sky atlantic on the virgin media epg guide nowhere that's were.
    Please get us sky atlantic virgin I am sure people would be willing to shed
    An extra pound just so you could secure sky atlantic for your customers.

    1. Sky Atlantic is an exclusive channel to Sky TV which they use to keep customers and take customers from other providers. This past year has been a hard one for Sky and Sky Atlantic with so many big shows having come to an end and Game of Thrones not broadcasting again till next year.
      Now that it is available through Now TV as a subscription service via their own Now TV box and various apps for most smart TV there is probably less need for Virgin Media to pay extortionate pricing for a channel aimed at a specific market.
      All companies have exclusives but Virgin Media do it differently by offering them as box sets through OnDemand have a look some time. Virgin Media really need to develop an app where they can market their exclusive programming on other devices while keeping it included for their customers.
      I think the relaunch of Bravo TV to the UK market is long overdue and from what I've heard Virgin Media still have the rights to it as was not included with the channels previously sold to Sky. Most of Bravo top shows are available through the HayU app which has been available for a couple years on Tivo and now the V6 cable boxes for free to XL/Full House TV customers.

  4. Well done missed gold and drama

  5. And as expected UKtv channels return.For a company that relies so much on TV advertising UKtv did not do to well by letting their main source of income, the advertisers, know that they have lost all the Virgin Media TV customer base by them UKtv pulling their channels from those customers I hope it was a costly lesson to UKtv and especially the BBC as now they're back along with the long running On a demand access to shows.

  6. We are supposed to be getting Gold hd as part of the new deal with uktv so when is gold hd coming to virgin media


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