March 09, 2020

Disney+ update

Just ahead of the Disney+ launch in the UK on March 24th, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence, Disney is in talks with Virgin Media to bring Disney+ to its devices in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
‘We have a long-standing relationship with Disney and are in talks about Disney+,’ a Virgin Media spokesperson said.
Last week, Disney and Sky announced a similar deal, which is a non-exclusive multiyear distribution deal with Disney+.
It is hoped that Virgin Media will announce a deal shortly. Stay tuned.


  1. Getting a bit close to launch date now - any news?

  2. I see virgin as usual lagging behind, no Disney plus app. and my uhd tv is a year behind comparability so added the app to my ps4. Old virgin love to keep constantly upping there prices, but rubbish when it comes to say no sky Atlantic still and now this fiasco.


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