March 01, 2020

New TV Control app for mobile devices

Virgin Media has released a new version (4.5) of its TV Control app for iOS and Android devices. 
My first impressions are that it's faster and looks neater. It looks a little cramped on my iPhone 8 but I'm imagine it will be better on the larger screens of the iPhone X or 11, probably less impressive on an iPhone SE or older.
The reviews in the iOS App Store though are scathing. I found the previous version slow and it was always asking for me to log in again. So far, that hasn't happened with the new version and the release notes suggest that's been fixed, so fingers crossed.
iOS app here
Android app here
and Amazon has a Kindle Fire version too


  1. On Android it seems much quicker - no continual delays in connecting.

  2. It does seem quicker but missing the fast forward and rewind controls.

    Plus the subtitles seem to come on by default.

  3. On my iPhone this new version is continuously 'reconnecting' every 30 seconds or so. So, I have to be quick to set something to record before it 'reconnects' and takes me back to the initial 'home' page. On my iPad, it hasn't yet been able to connect, telling me that my Tivo may be in 'standby' mode. It's not in standby mode & (as mentioned previously) my iPhone is connected OK at the same time (even if it does have the issues described). So, so far this update is pretty rubbish for me!


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