May 22, 2009

BBC HD voted Freesat channel of the year

BBC HD was named channel of the year at last night's inaugural Freesat Awards. This was the voting criteria:

This award is for the best Freesat channel or service, whether TV, radio or interactive with the winner chosen by Freesat viewers. Voters were asked to consider which channel or service had most enhanced their viewing; which had provided them with their best TV or radio moment of the year; which they ‘discovered’ on Freesat; and which they would recommend to their friends.
Hmm. Given that the only other one likely in the running was ITV HD that's hardly the most meaningful accolade.


  1. BBC Four has put out more excellent programmmes in the last year than ITV HD has put out programmes, full stop. So I'm not sure why you assume the running must have been between BBC HD and ITV HD. Those selection criteria don't mention high definition at all (probably wisely, given the dearth of it everywhere except on Sky). In fact I'm not really sure what any of this has got to do with your (excellent) VM HD blog...? I suppose even Nialli has quiet news days! ;-)

    Love the blog, though, Nialli - keep it up! Cheers, Alan.

  2. great blog wounder wht it would be like when we get these hd channels

  3. Don't disagree about BBC Four being a more worthwhile candidate - excellent channel. I'm also a big Film4 fan (as you may have noticed). Both are on all digital platforms though and I thought it relevant to HD as one of the criteria was "which they ‘discovered’ on Freesat" and the two HD channels are to my eyes the only ones anyone would "discover" on Freesat that they may not have already experienced.


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