May 21, 2009

"Is HD overrated?"

There's a thread and poll over on Cable Forum that may interest some: old debate, but always worth a look.


  1. Some called ''IloveHD'' has posted that Virgin Media have the rights to Broadcast all the Sky owned HD Channels.

    Is that an pig I can see outside up in ths Sky?

  2. Neil Berkett said last year that he'd been offered the movie and sports HD channels by Sky but considered them "too expensive". I can't find the quote but it was some point towards the end of last year (when he also said we'd have more HD channels in the next three months).

  3. Found it! It was at a USB Media conference last December: "Berkett confirmed he has now had access to Sky's HD channels for a few months, where as previously they were "locked up" by Sky. But not a price he considers reasonable, hence the ongoing review by Ofcom which he believes will find in VM's favour. Berkett stated that the key to HD is sports and movies."

  4. The post anonymous refers to btw is at

  5. Somewhat ironic recommendation there nialli, as the moderators have a history of cracking down on pretty much any discussion of high definition. All these people who dare to want HD!

  6. I'm taking what "IloveHD" said with a pinch of salt. He also said that Virgin don't transmit 5.1 sound. While not all of the BBCHD stuff is in 5.1, there certainly is a fair amount of it.


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