December 30, 2010

Samsung V+ bug?

My brand new Samsung V+ is proving inconsistent when detailing the number of hours remaining, so much so that I'm doing manual calculations now rather than trusting it. For example, it will tell me 44 hours remaining, but will then drop to 21 hours when I delete a single SD recording - the latter being correct when I work it out myself. Has anyone else experienced this? It seems to mis-calculate the space taken by HD recordings.
Still, it's better than failed recordings but annoying nevertheless.


  1. This has always happened to mke as well. I also think it is a HD issue. It is very annoying! Let's hope the new Tivo box doesn't suffer the same problem.

    Love the blog by the way. Keep up the good work!!!

  2. I've seen Spiderplant post that this is a known bug over on Cable Forums.

  3. Two of my HD recordings failed last week when the V+ reported 20 or so hours free, but in fact had hardly any space. Numbers jump around all over the place! Appreciating 50MB broadband more and more...

    I don't get to comment often, but I really appreciate this blog. Great work.

  4. Hi all. Been reading this blog for awhile now and thought i'd actually post.. I've complained twice about this bug via the VM forums, they are aware and will sorted in next software update. wouldnt hold ya breath tho. My SA box never had this bug. happy new yeah,each.

  5. Make sure you have it set not to delete anything. I had an issue where it said I had about 50 hours remaining, I deleted an item and it changed to "Critical", and deleted most of the things on the HDD before I managed to stop it

  6. Have the bug as well. Only way to get a correct reading is to delete something.

  7. Well, there is another fix - do a drive wipe and reboot - obv lose everything, but it clears it!

    Happy New Year everyone, and well done Nialli, keep going :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Done the drive format in the past to no avail.. the systems software may not be stored on the drive. As i said, its a known issue at VM. And a reboot shows correct time left till next recording..

  10. for every 1 hour of HD recording it consumes 4-5 hours the the normal hours.

  11. @archihudman- thanks for that but we're are not talking about miss ing time... the hours left meter does not change after recordings,but only when a deletion has been made made..


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