Hmm. Just found that the SCART output to my Panasonic recorder from my new Samsung V+ is outputing the 16:9 image but framed on left and right down to 4:3. No settings have changed on the Panny I archive on to, and the HDMI output from the Sammy direct into the TV is fine. I've swapped SCART leads in case it got damaged in the install, reset everything - not fixed. The Samsung's settings are HDMI 720 (rather than 720 wide - I don't like 4:3 broadcasts stretched) as I only have a 720p TV. I think I've tried every combination now but to no avail. Any ideas?
Here's what I've tried and it appears to work for me. Select scart output, Widescreen and then change it to RGB from composite. Then switch back to HDMI and this appears to solve the issue - for me anyway.
ReplyDeleteWell I thought I'd tried everything...
ReplyDeleteThanks Lee - that's done the trick.
Glad I could help. As I've mentioned before, had my old V+ box replaced with the Samsung on Christmas Eve, so a learning curve for us both :)
ReplyDeleteHappy with mine so far. The "Remaining Space" bug is annoying, but I find that just recording then deleting some short SD recordings adjusts the numbers appropriately.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, it's a nice piece of kit - much better looking, more responsive and PQ on a par with the SA. Thanks again for resolving that setting.
Apologies if it's inappropriate to ask this here but all my VM services (tel tv bb) have just died today and I suspect a gardener next-door has cut through my cable.
ReplyDeleteI've got an engineer coming out on Friday who will hopefully solve the problems but is it a) worth asking if he would also swap my V+ box to a Sammy and b) even if he would is it worth it in terms of a better product?
Apols again if this is inappropriate - a great blog with some good stuff posted
I would do the swap, especially if you watch HD the majority of the time. Aside from a few bugs (time remaining and the output thing here) I'd say it's a more reliable piece of kit, albeit based on just a few weeks of experience for me. PQ is comparable, remote and menu response is a huge improvement. If you have experienced problems with a SA V+ I would suggest you call VM again and let them know, so the engineer knows that it should be a box swap needed as well as the recabling.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words about the blog btw.