February 29, 2012

The arrival of MPEG4 HD at last!

Additional Sky HD update: official VM statement:
From around the 1st March our TiVo customers will be able to enjoy additional Sky HD content (around 400 movies and sporting events from the Virgin VoD platforms). These titles will also be available in SD and will be exclusive to TiVo customers who subscribe to the relevant Sky Premium Collection and Sky HD channels. If you don't currently subscribe to these channels you'll still be able to see the titles, but in order to view them you'll need to contact us to upgrade your package.
When will this launch? Between now and Thursday 1st March, some customers will see it today and the rest over the next few days. We'll only have a limited amount of content to start off with but don't worry we'll be adding to it over the next few weeks until it's all online.
Where do I find it? Just go to the following folders on your TiVo - Sky Movies HD and Sky Sports HD.
Is there anything else I need to see this content? You'll need three things, to be an active TiVo subscriber, to have a subcription to the relevant Sky Premium Collection and Sky HD channels and you'll need a HD ready TV with a HDMI cable connecting your box to the TV.
Why is this only available on the TiVo? Unfortunately our V+ box isn't able to cope with MPEG4 content which TiVo can handle. We're using this video standard as it maintains quality while using less space in storage and streaming, we wouldn't have been able to have fitted in as much content using MPEG2.
So they're moving to MPEG4 at last? That's good news. Although the Samsung V+ boxes are MPEG4 compatible the older SA V+ aren't, so I guess they didn't bother to do the work for any Liberate boxes in the end. Not sure about the V HD boxes.


Martin_e93 said...

The V HD boxes are MPEG4 compatible.

V+ HD boxes are at the end of the line in my opinion , V HD boxes still have a future in my opinion if it gets the TiVo software.

Oxfordmark said...

What does this mean?

benjsmyth said...

Yes, perhaps this could signify the start of plans to roll out TiVo software to the VHD boxes.

The move to MPEG4 certainly is good news. Not sure we shall see it as the default recording standard for quite a while yet though.

Nialli said...

For detail on MPEG 4 I direct people to the Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-4.
In a nutshell, it's a more efficient compression standard than the one currently used by Virgin Media (MPEG 2). If adopted more widely, it would mean not only that you can record more hours on your TiVo hard drive, but also would increase available bandwidth on the VM delivery network as it would mean TV takes up less capacity. Or could offer more channels (heaven forbid!).

Louise said...

I have interactive on my TiVo boxes for the Sky Sports channels!!! :0)

tassiekev said...

So my £112 pm bill will increase to £117 from next month, plus £3 for Tivo to enable me to watch content I already subscribe to - we don't get True Blood, Spartacus or Walking Dead in HD on VOD any more, but I will (sometime later this year) be able to (theoretically) download an episode of Boardwalk Empire in 25 secs instead of 50 secs. Mmmm, let me think about this.....
Goodbye Virgin

Unknown said...

@tassiekev How on earth can you spend so much every month with Virgin? I have 50mbit BB, and the cheapest phone and TV packages, and it's still far too expensive. (about £50 a month) I'm considering getting rid of the TV/TIVO and phone altogether and just keeping the BB.

It's just too much money to spend in the current climate, especially as much of what little paid content worth watching exists isn't even on Virgin.

streaky_7 said...


I'm a vip50 customer and that costs me £101.50 a month. But how can you say it's too much? Compared to you I get the same broadband but then I get a phone line I never really pay for a phone call on as it's the top package and get discounted mobile calls etc. I get all the TV channels VM can offer me including sports and movies and ESPN and Disney. And I get multi-room so my second box in the bedroom. access to all the on demand stuff at no extra cost. Premium HD channels. And I'm sure there's more I'm probably missing. So is £101 too much? Well not in my opinion. I earn a good wage. I have kids so all the kids channels are needed. I love sports, movies and music and the Wife likes the rubbish she watches. I work from home a lot (like now) so we make use of the TV, the phone and the broadband. So how is it a waste of money? It may be for you but that doesn't mean you can tell other people they are wasting their money and theres no value in it. I'm sure you spend money on things others would deem a waste - doesn't mean you shouldn't spend it if thats what you like.........

Nialli said...

I agree with Streaky - what's "too much" for some may be "good value" to others. VM is affordable for my family but I would downgrade if I thought it excessive or my circumstances changed. Everyone has a choice, no-one has to subscribe to VM. You pay's your money and make your choice.

tassiekev said...

Like Streaky, I'm on VIP50 (or will be, for the next couple of weeks) + Picturebox & MUTV. No regrets about what I've been spending, I just think VM are taking the piss wanting another £5 plus £3 for Tivo.

I'm going elsewhere with 40MB BB, calls included, SS1&2, ESPN (Standard Def) and online sub to MUTV saving app £50 pm which will buy a Lovefilm subscription & a decent box set of DVDs per month.

As Nialli said, 'you pays your money....'

streaky_7 said...

@ Tassiekev

Where are you going to get all that and save £50 a month? What TV channels will you have compared to know or are you basically going Freeview? Will you have multi room? I've heard love film, and it's competitors, is a little hit and miss with regards to the catelogue and quality of streaming? does it include your line rental? There is no arguing a £50 saving if it's like for like but as its not I'm trying to work out what your losing when your saving....

tassiekev said...

No its not, like for like - I'm just dumping all the crap I don't watch and focussing on what I do want to watch.
Yes, includes line rental & calls, Freeview channels, recording box, Picturebox movies, Warner movies, Sky Sports 1&2 and ESPN. No Sky Sports News (thoroughly sick of all the cross promotion and Jim White yelling at me anyway), no SS£ or SS4, no Sky 1, Sky Arts, no Living etc. but there is a reasonable amount of VOD. Bear in mind this is all SD but I'm truly not bothered about that. I'm not that concerned about Lovefilm streaming, although I'll use it - I'm more interested in the DVD rental.

Don't think its really fair to publicize the competition on here but there aren't that many choices and I'm sure you'll find it if you look.