January 07, 2020

New year, new VMHD

This blog is now thirteen years’ old! That’s pretty incredible for something I first started to campaign for Virgin Media to carry more than a single high definition channel - how times change.
Last year VMHD was put into hibernation for several months as I concentrated on some other work I was finishing. It was also a pretty lean time for Virgin Media news and discussion so there was little I came across that I felt needed sharing. However 2020 looks like it will be a lot more exciting, and I promise I’m back for good again to keep you informed.
We’ve got Sky Comedy launching later in January, the rumoured new UI on our V6 boxes, Sky’s UHD Sports and Movie channels promised and the inevitable usual round of price increases and carriage disputes to get angry about.
I’ve also simplified the blog’s layout. Out with Virgin’s awful purple, in with a cleaner black and blue theme.


NickJ said...

Thanks for all your work with this blog over the year!

Back in 2008 I didn't have a choice of providers (tall trees = no Sky dish) and was demoralised by the lack of VM HD content and eagerly read your blog for updates. A different world now and whilst by no means perfect, HD content is now the norm and with V6 boxes we have lots of capacity and relative speed, even if the UI could be better!

Scott McCarthy said...

Great job with the blog! There might not be much news to report sometimes, but when there has been, I've generally learnt about it here first. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! loving the revamped blog! hopefully Virgin Media won't be too far behind with a refreshed look... I Will be looking forward to your posts on all the latest news :)

kingdaveontour said...

Any news on Sky Movies & Sports 4K?

Nialli said...

No updates on Sky 4K date since this https://www.virginmedia.com/corporate/media-centre/press-releases/extended-partnership-between-virgin-media-and-sky-to-bring-even-more-benefits-to-viewers-and-the-industry